Asiantation Mentoring Program 2017
The Asiantation Mentoring Program (AMP) is an award-winning peer education program that assists incoming Asian American students adapt to their new college environment. New students are paired with continuing students who serve as a resource and assist them through their first year. To provide Asian and Asian American students in their first year on campus with support and resources to successfully adapt to the academic, co-curricular, personal, and social rigors of college, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to persist the during the remainder of their college experience. I was asked to help design a catalog of all the mentors following the theme of the year, Pokémon. I based my design off of the PokéDex, which is like an encyclopedia, where the mentors were the Pokémon. I used a typeface that was based on the logo and used a secondary typeface that was used in the video games.